The Process
Airwards takes pride in identifying, recognising and championing a diverse range of use cases which reflect our ethos, brand values and criteria.
Welcome to the nitty gritty of it all: what you need to know and actually prepare when submitting your entry. When it comes to entering, we ensure you’re given the best opportunity to present your use case to our global thought leading judges so that your entry gets the most thorough evaluation possible.
We do not select the winners or influence the judges’ decisions, instead providing a platform for entrants to present themselves in the best way and be judged likewise, in an overall process which recognises positive use cases. Our transparent and rigorous evaluation system is implemented by experienced, world-renowned professionals.
We’re making significant amends to our current entrants process, taking on board all feedback from judges, entrants, advisors as well as our own internal analysis. See our TIMELINE for a top line view of dates. More details are provided to those who REGISTER with Airwards as an entrant. You can find more information in our CATEGORIES section.
What will I need to prepare?
One of the major components about our awards is that we are providing entrants with far more time to consider their entry and use case.
Make sure at all stages and in all questions to not include your company name, in general to remove names of individuals involved and to have imagery unbranded and without company logos. All entries need to register via our website here Entrants Register, they are then added to Mailchimp where all entry forms are then sent. Be aware this will be the case for both main category entries and people’s choice nominations.
Before the entry deadline of 25 Jan 2024
—> Registration + complete Company / Submission Info
If your entry progresses through the first judging round
—> We ask for additional Submission Info
Step 1 | Register
You are required to register here to capture company data and use case information to validate your entries.
There are many benefits for entering Airwards, to many to list here so we’ve outlined them in this handy blog post for you.
Step 2 | Receive entry forms
Submit your entry and use case information via our forms. Upload supporting evidence and well thought out justifications for why your entry should win.
For top tips on writing an award winning entry read our blog post.
Step 3 | Sit back and wait
After you’ve submitted we begin our process of reviewing and putting forward to our judges for judging. Checkout our timeline here for more information on dates.
What now? Why not: Share the fact you’ve entered on social (without sharing details) and follow us on social for more updates
Checklist 📝
After all of that, you probably need a little rest and a hot drink ☕ (or something stronger). Before you do, why not recap everything with this handy top line checklist, to make sure you’re hitting the requirements before entering.
☑️ Decide the best categories
☑️ Check you are eligible
☑️ Ensure all legal + permissions
☑️ Ensure you have all collateral for your submission
☑️ Register your interest HERE
☑️ Leave enough time to complete the entry form as you won't be able to save and return later.*
☑️ Enjoy the process and best of luck!
*(Helpful hint: do it offline first)
Entry Tips
Who doesn’t want tips, hints, tricks, advice, guidance, pointers, clues, counsel, how-to’s, suggestions, indicators, whispers (can you tell by now we ran out of words from the thesaurus…)
Luckily, we have all of that for you - and more! Find out everything from advice on writing a winning entry to what our judges would look for in a winning entry by checking out these blogs we’ve specially made for you.
Entries open 01 Dec 23, and close 17 Feb 24 - and once again, they’re free!
Prior to and throughout this period, you can register for Airwards and submit your use case entry (or entries). We’ve simplified the process this year, so you should find this quicker to do than last year - but don’t fret, the judges will still be getting the same amount of information about your entry.
Entries Open + Close
Shorter than ordering a coffee / repeatedly hitting your snooze button / cooking an egg / blending a smoothie / picking up after your dog / taking out the trash … you get the idea by now!
Round 1 - Qualifying
The qualifying round is our quick-fire judging round, which should see judges move use cases from entrants, to qualified Airwards contenders.
Additional Info
Entries who passed Round 1 are now invited to submit more detailed additional information about their use case used for Round 2 + 3 of judging.
Round 2 - Shortlist
Here, use cases are judged to establish an official shortlist and entries are able to call themselves ‘Airwards Shortlist Entries’.
Round 3 - Winner
We don’t base the winners purely on scoring results and instead bring judges together in this final round to debate on the shortlist use cases and decide on a winner (and if there will be any Honourable Mentions).
Winners’ Week
In a nutshell, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The series of digital announcements revealing the Airwards winners in each of the categories.
And we thought, why does it have to be just one moment? Let’s give every winner their own well-deserved moment to shine by spreading the announcements over a full week, with different winners revealed throughout each of the five days, via our social media platforms and through video content. For Y3+4, AWW will be done digitally. For Y5 and wherever we can, we will look to host physical IRL events.